Nothing much has happened since last time I wrote. Ailas claw is finally growing out a little bit, and I've gotten sick. So the dogs are a bit more neglected than usual (hum, neglected still means 4 walks a day!). No special training or anything... or acctually, I've been training Aila to walk next to me off the leash on bikingroads and stuff. That's the command with a realease command. That means that she has to walk next to me until I tell her otherwise. She's doing really good! I think with a month more training or so, she should be able to walk off the leash a bit everywhere...
I still haven't found a club that has agility! How come there are so few people training agility? It's the most fun! Oh well, I've decided to go back to the club I visited the other time, to train the obedience and all. And then continue my research for an agility club... I'm sure I'll find something..
That's all for now folks. My eyes are so swollen it's hard to keep them open for too long.....