May 31, 2008

First meeting

So now we're all here in Storön, Sweden. The sun is shining and the dogs are sleeping.

The last few days has been a bit hectic. We arrived in Geneva on the 28th to take the plane, but we were late and had to run around like crazy. Vazy managed the trip easily, and was not even stressed when we fetched her afterwards. We stayed in Stockholm one day and were invited to a BBQ, of course Vazy was a favourite as usual. She also managed to stay calm in a small flat with a cat! The day after we were walking around in Stockholm, and Mathieu had his job interview. All good.

After the second plane in two days, Vazy was a bit more stressed and barley seemed to notice Aila when they first met. Aila was screaming, she's really vocal. Talks all the time. The first day Vazy ignored her, and Aila has really understood that she's the boss. Everything went better than expected! Today they've been playing for the first time even. They're soon gonna become good friends!

Aila is really good! She's staying close on walks (even closer than Vazy, that thinks it's vacation and rabbit hunting time), she's good at coming when called and she's really fun. When you take out the clicker she goes mad and throws up all the behaviours she knows in 2 seconds. Gonna have to work on putting commands and all.
Today we also managed to cut the claws on one of her paws (which hasn't been possible for quite some time, since she can't stay still).

Mathieu is really good with them and all of us are playing a lot. When we're on walks I run out in the forest and jumps over trees, up on stones, changes directions, and both dogs are running with me. Aila is really good at getting around already! So for now everything is super good. When Mat has left I'm going to start their real
training, and take them out separatley every day. Then we have to leave them alone a bit every day too. Vazy seems a bit calmer in Ailas company when left alone....
So as you can see it's all going according to plan and even better!

May 26, 2008

Au revoir la France

Aujourd'hui je vais écrire en français, parce que c'est bientôt mon dernier jour en France.
Je suis trés contente d'avoir vecu ici plus que 4 ans maintenant. J'ai appris beaucoup pendant ces années et j'ai fini par changer comme personne, de devenir plus tranquil et apprecier tout ce qui est autour. J'ai appris à ne pas toujours suivre les règles, et pour ça je suis une femme plus libre.
J'ai appris plus de ce qui est un chien et comment communiquer avec lui. J'ai appris le français. J'ai eu la chienne fait pour moi, et j'ai vecu beaucoup avec elle. J'ai eu plein des amis pendant ce voyage en temps, et c'est a eux que je dois tout. Je veux dire merci à a tout le monde; Cercle canin de Grasse et mon nouveau club CAAEC Dagneux. Je vous remercie pour tout ce que vous m'avez appris, tout ce que je suis devenue avec vous. C'est vraiment des clubs super sympas, et j'espere que vous allez continuer sur le bon chemin! Je veux biensur dire merci a tout les amies à Nice, Grenoble et Lyon, et un peu partout en France que j'ai connu par internet. Merci pour m'avoir appris à écrire en français, et tout et tout......
Je reviendra toujours, et vous etes tous bienvenues en Suède!

May 23, 2008


Tonight was my last day at the club, so sad!!
Everyone's so nice and I love it there. learning so much!! I hope I'll find a nice club like this in Sweden too...
I'm putting some pictures to illustrate..

May 22, 2008

Hej! Några nya bilder på Aila!

dog activities

well, yesterday I had my second course in clicker training. And everyone from the first course came, plus the new ones. It was really fun and everyone seemed to appreciate what we were doing, the dogs too.
Vazy was doing her little show as usual, and I got her to stand in a big box by shaping. That was fun.
Today we've been to the veterinary to do all the last things for the Sweden trip, only one week left! She's getting more and more upset for every time we're going to the vet. After she got her shot against worms, she ran around like crazy and screamed!
She soon calmed down and I got some homeopathie (I dont know how you say that in english) for her legs. It's good 'cause lately her muscles hasn't been at their best, and she's been halting a lot last week. I hope that it will help, 'cause its not easy to deprive vazy of running and jumping for more than 2 days!!
I'll put some pictures to illustrate the last few days....

May 18, 2008

Clicker training

yesterday I was leading a course in clicker training at the dog club. It was really fun!
I lent vazy to one of the "students" that had no dog, and she was impressed by how easy she was to work with. It's really nice that she manage to work well with other people too now. I remember some time ago she couldn't be without me. And if someone else took her, she would only look at me and try to get to me, even bark.
I was also thinking of that when we were invited for dinner at some friends yesterday. They have another dog, and we left Vazy outside with Apache (the other dog) and she played and was totally normal, instead of just standing at the door whining. She feels like she's getting more independent, and I try to leave a bit more space for her to make her proper decisions by being less strict on the rules. It's true that since then she's not as obedient, but I'm making an experiment to see that if I'm leaving her more space, and controlling her less, she would become less dependent on us.
Anyway, this is giving me hope for the future, cause maybe she will get calmer in the company of Aila...

The other day she hurt three of her legs. The muscles were twice the size. This happens very often with her, I don't know why. Anyways, she was halting a lot, and now after 4 days she's not doing that anymore. I stretch her everyday, and keep the walks as short as possible. But its true that since yesterday its almost impossible to keep her from running. To keep her calmer I'm trying to teach her some new things, and now she learnt to pack all her toys in her bag. It's funny to watch how she searches for them (I made it a bit harder and spread the toys out over the whole flat), finding them, and carrying them to the bag dropping them nicely and concisely in there. It's great to watch how she loves to work and learn. When I showed the people in my course some things with her, she almost went crazy, trying everything here and there...
Only one and a half week until the first meeting with Aila......
The picture is from a walk the other day, maybe I'll put some pictures from the club in a few days.....

May 16, 2008

More of Aila...

Very hard to make a puppy stand still!! Aila has got an infection in her bladder so she is on antibiotics for 10 days. She was back to normal just after the shot the vet gave her so it is not a major thing luckily. This weekend she will be a guest at Monika's because i am working. As you already guessed that will be two hilarious days playing with Molly.

May 12, 2008

Aila three months today!

Today Aila is thre months old. She is growing fast and is eating a lot. This morning she started her klickertraining with nice juicy sausages. Now she is sleeping after beeing to the dogclub for the first time.

South of France

Just got back from a long weekend in the south of France. At Mathieu's parents it's always dog vacation. She's been chilling in the sun all day, and on Sunday we went for a 3 hour walk.
Got home yesterday night, super tired after a long drive.
Today it was nice weather so we went for a walk next to the river. I was proud of Vazy when she could walk on heel without leash whilst passing fishermen, ducks, dogs... she's really getting good at that, so I haven't had to put the leash more than twice since I got here! This weekend we're going to have a course in clicker training, that's gonna be fun!

May 7, 2008

Heavy social training

Now Aila has been on some heavy social training when we went to change into summertyres. She was in the workshop with all the sounds of the machines, and totally calm! When we waited just beside the car she was lying beside me. After that the very interesting vet. So many dogs!! She was excited but didn't bark. She is in perfect health and weighs slightly more than 7 kilos. She took the rabies shot too. Today I have played the Indian when we went on our walk by the sea. I dug in several places and suddenly some pieces of sausages appeared. Guess who was like a glue to that hunter!! She is hard to catch on film but .....

May 6, 2008


I'm back in france and back with mathieu and vazy. it's so nice and warm. all the flowers are in bloom and it's smelling good everywhere!
tomorrow i'm going back to the club, and i think vazy needs it. Eventhough she's been training a lot on walking close off the leash, and not jumping on other dogs, she needs a bit of fun training now i think. So tomorrow we're gonna play like crazy. I was thinking i'm gonna compete a bit this summer, in agility and obedience. she learnt a lot since last year, so maybe we could win, hehe, you never know.

Here are some pictures from our walk today...

May 1, 2008

I am taking over!

Now it is time for me to take over the responsibility of Aila! Luckily she changed into a very obedient and nice puppy two days ago. She probably knows that she has to help me take care of her!

If my internet works you can read my revelations about what will occur.

See you

now she's all good!

Aila has started eating from one day to the other, strange things...

She is still super good. She follows us around and is not going as much on her own adventures anymore. She started to learn "sit", "down", to give her paw and to look us in the eyes. I've also started to apply the rules of not going in or out the door without premission, same for the car.

We've also been to town, she's not scared of anything. She's seen cars, bikes, kids, dogs, cats, horses... Well, everything she needs to see. She's become best friend with Molly the shetland sheepdog and she's playing like crazy every day.The other day we've been to a kennel, that had puppies of the same breed. So cute!

I've taken a lot of photos, I have to capture this short time of supreme cuteness! Tomorrow I'm leaving for France, but I'll be back in 4 weeks, and I hope that my mum will take good care of Aila, and that she'll also put some pictures on the blog! So soon we'll have some more news from Vazy..